Whoops look like something went wrong website

Whoops, looks like something went wrong what do

What to do if you are a regular user

If you are a regular user, then the options to get rid of the error “Whoops, looks like something went wrong” is pretty scarce. You can recommend the following:

  • Clear your browser’s cache and cookies. This is usually done by going to its settings, finding the corresponding option there (to for example, in Mozilla, it is located in the “Privacy and Protection” tab)) and cleaning said data;
  • Try a different browser. In a number of small cases, this may help solve the “Whoops, something went wrong” problem;
  • Write to the webmaster of the resource. Most effective way to fix a bug is to notify the site about its technical support.

    Write to tech support or webmaster of the site

Why “Whoops, Something Went Wrong” Occurred in Laravel 5.0?

Something went wrong in Laravel 5.0 because the environment file is missing or you have not generated the application key. Other possible causes include incorrect permissions, missing PHP extensions, outdated Laravel configuration cache, and an outdated Composer. All of these factors can cause Laravel to throw the ‘Whoops’ error.

– There Is No Environment File in Your Laravel Application

In Laravel 5.0, the “env file” houses crucial configuration variables, from database connections to mail services. It typically sits in the root directory of the Laravel application, and each environment variable in this file is loaded into the “$_ENV” PHP super-global when the application receives a request. If this configuration file is missing or improperly set, Laravel wouldn’t know how to interact with your database or mail server, leading to the “Whoops” error message.

– You Have Not Generated the Required Application Key

An ungenerated or invalid application key is another likely offender that can cause this error in Laravel 5.0. Behind the scenes, Laravel uses the application key, a randomly generated 32-character string, to secure user sessions and encrypted data. Now, if the key is missing under the “APP_KEY” variable in the “.env” file, or it’s invalid, you will see the aforementioned error because Laravel needs it to function correctly. On most occasions, this happens on a fresh installation that you’ve not modified at all.

– Laravel Does Not Have the Correct File or Folder Permissions

Moving forward, another potential cause of the “Whoops” error in Laravel 5.0 is incorrect file or folder permissions. That’s because Laravel 5.0, like any other web application framework, works with a multitude of files and directories, so it needs precise permissions to function seamlessly. One of these is the “write” permission that Laravel needs for certain directories like “storage” and “bootstrap/cache”. If Laravel encounters a file or a directory where it’s denied writing permission, the error message will surface.

– You Did Not Install the PHP Extensions for Laravel

One of the initial roadblocks that can cause this error in Laravel is missing PHP extensions that are integral to the framework’s operation. These “extensions”, such as OpenSSL, PDO, Mbstring, Tokenizer, and XML, constitute libraries of code that add to PHP’s capabilities, expanding its potential for various functions. Laravel 5.0 relies on these PHP extensions for fundamental tasks, and their absence can trigger the error message: “Whoops, looks like something went wrong.”

– Laravel Is Reading an Outdated Configuration Cache

Laravel boasts a robust caching system to bolster performance. However, should you modify a configuration file after it has been cached, Laravel might not be aware of the changes. As a result, it may continue to operate on obsolete information, which could breed inconsistencies in your application. However, when it finally stumbles over these inconsistencies, you can get the “Whoops” error in your web browser.

– You Have an Old Installation of Composer Package Manager

If you’ve checked off the boxes so far, perhaps the cause of the error is an outdated Composer installation. As the de facto dependency manager for PHP, Composer plays a pivotal role in Laravel projects. It oversees project dependencies, ensuring they remain up-to-date and compatible. However, if your Composer version lags (check using the command “composer –version”), it could stir up compatibility issues with Laravel.

How do I enable Optimize Screen Sharing in zoom?

Optimize Full Screen Video Sharing in Zoom

  1. Click the Share Screen button located in your meeting controls.
  2. Select the screen you wish to share and select the “Optimize Screen Sharing for Video Clip” checkbox on the bottom.
  3. Click “Share” on the bottom right.
  4. Start playing your video in full-screen while sharing your screen.

What does share sound mean in zoom?

Zoom screen sharing allows you to share the desktop, window, application, or audio/video. If audio is an important part of your shared content, you can also send the computer’s audio (in mono or stereo) to the remote attendees when sharing, providing a more professional and immersive sharing experience.

Why does my screen mirroring go black?

Due to unsupported screen/graphic resolution or old unsupported drivers installed in the computer the television screen might go blank after connecting through WiDi. This issue can be fixed by setting the right or compatible screen resolution or upgrading the appropriate drivers using the WiDi update tool.

Why is my screen mirroring not working?

Restart Your Smartphone. Sometimes it may be that your smartphone has a minor software glitch that prevents you from mirroring your phone to your TV. These small glitches do not require much effort to be resolved. Simply reboot your devices and these issues will be likely fixed.

Why is my screen mirroring not working on my iPhone?

Try these steps first Make sure that your AirPlay-compatible devices are turned on and near each other. Check that the devices are updated to the latest software and are on the same Wi-Fi network. Restart the devices that you want to use with AirPlay or screen mirroring.

Why is my Screenshare so laggy?

One of the most common causes of the Discord lagging issue is the software conflict. If you’re running multiple programs on your PC, chances are that one of your programs conflicts with Discord and causes the issue for you. It’s recommended that you turn off unnecessary processes while running Discord.

How do I increase my zoom FPS?

First, enable HD video on Zoom. In the Settings window, click the Video tab and check Enable HD. Then set ManyCam’s resolution to 720p and framerate to 30 FPS respectively to match Zoom’s settings.

Old Laravel config store

Routinely it takes various application reloads to sort out the little issues during new plans, updates, or movements.

The config reports may change ordinarily during these events. “Whoops look like something went wrong website – How to fix it!”, However, Laravel might hold the old config settings, much of the time making the application miss the mark with the “something ended up being awful” screw up.

Game plan: To fix this, we eradicate the config store with the request PHP specialist config: cache. This will drive Laravel to manufacture a newly merged config record using the latest types of archives set aside under the config index.

Solution 3

  • Give write permission to storage and bootstrap/cache directories
  • Rename .env.example file to .env
  • If you get «RuntimeException… No supported encrypter found. The cipher and / or key length are invalid.» error, stop the application and generate key from command line «php artisan key:generate»
  • If your get «OpenSSL extension is required» error, enable the openssl extension by opening php.ini in php installation folder and uncommenting the line extension=php_openssl.dll by removing the semicolon at the beginning

Solution 4

Follow these steps to this problem for all versions of your laravel like

Step: 1

Rename file to

Step: 2

Go to your Command prompt/terminal and change path to project directory.
Generate key for your application. This is unique for every application so don’t make copy paste.

Just run the following command. Key will automatically save to your .env file

Try to type in cmd:
php artisan key:generate
the problems will be solved



  • jemz
    almost 2 years

    I installed Laravel 5.0 properly by cloning in git, and composer install, when I ran it to browser , it says

    I did not make any changes after composer install.

    Update after copy the env.example to .env this is result

  • PlanetUnknown
    over 7 years

    If it still doesn’t work & you see the error about cipher, run «php artisan key:generate»

  • Xorifelse
    about 7 years

    I see 2 files with the same empty name, how can this be valid? Not even a link is provided to copy them files. My flag has been disputed, this needs a removal unless the OP updates, which is very unlikely.

  • Md. Abu Taleb
    almost 7 years

    fantastic solution. It helpful for me.

  • Nicolas D
    over 6 years

    this is not a best practice to remove the env from a gitignore file as it can contain sensitive informations…

  • Bastin Robin
    over 6 years

    perfect solution :)

  • Admin
    over 6 years

    Simply the best answer for this question.

  • Steffo Dimfelt
    almost 6 years

    Have been searching for an answer for so long. Got this problem when my team put the Laravel-project on GitHub. The Vendor-folder is ignored by GitHub and we have to reinstall Composer. The .env-folder is renamed to .env.example and no-one got a clue what went wrong. Thank you for the solution!

  • Tausif Anwar
    almost 6 years

    I had also found it very strange… and then I went through the documentation and found the solution….

  • vishalknishad
    almost 6 years

    guys, this is the answer

  • SherylHohman
    almost 4 years

    Please review how to Ask before your next post.. Grammar, Spelling, etc are IMPORTANT. While I fixed most of the egregious grammatical errors, typos, and formatting, parts of this post are still unclear and need to be corrected.

  • rahul singh Chauhan
    almost 4 years

    i am also facing the same issue

  • Ranga Lakshitha
    over 3 years

    Try composer dump-autoload also.

  • hamed hossani
    almost 3 years

    before use you must add to file.

Как исправить ошибку, связанную с фразой «Whoops, looks like something went wrong»

Ошибка «Whoops, looks like something went wrong» (переводится как «Упс, похоже, что-то пошло не так») является сообщением об ошибке, которое может возникать при использовании различных веб-сервисов или веб-сайтов. Это сообщение указывает на то, что произошла неизвестная ошибка и запрашиваемая страница или функциональность не может быть загружена. Вот несколько возможных причин и способов исправления этой ошибки:

  1. Обновите страницу: В некоторых случаях ошибка может быть временной и перезагрузка страницы может решить проблему. Нажмите кнопку «Обновить» в своем веб-браузере или используйте комбинацию клавиш F5.
  2. Проверьте подключение к Интернету: Убедитесь, что у вас есть стабильное подключение к Интернету. Проверьте свое сетевое соединение, перезагрузите маршрутизатор или попробуйте подключиться к другой Wi-Fi-сети.
  3. Очистите кэш и куки: Некоторые ошибки могут быть связаны с неправильно сохраненными файлами кэша или куки в вашем веб-браузере. Попробуйте очистить кэш и куки, чтобы исправить возможные проблемы. В каждом браузере процедура очистки кэша и куки немного различается, обратитесь к документации вашего браузера для получения инструкций.
  4. Проверьте URL-адрес: Убедитесь, что вы ввели правильный URL-адрес или перешли по правильной ссылке. Проверьте, содержатся ли в URL-адресе опечатки или неправильные символы, и исправьте их при необходимости.
  5. Свяжитесь с поддержкой: Если ни один из вышеперечисленных методов не помог вам исправить ошибку, связанную с фразой «Whoops, looks like something went wrong», то, вероятно, проблема связана с веб-сервисом или веб-сайтом, который вы используете. В этом случае лучше обратиться в службу поддержки данного сервиса или сайта. Они смогут дать вам более подробную информацию о возникшей ошибке и помочь вам решить проблему.

Надеемся, что эти рекомендации помогут вам исправить ошибку, связанную с фразой «Whoops, looks like something went wrong». В случае, если ошибка сохраняется, лучше всего обратиться к специалисту или службе поддержки, чтобы получить более подробную помощь.

Code sync botches

Application updates can from time to time get tangled with broken ways and wrong approvals thwarting authentic download of utilization records.

“Whoops look like something went wrong website – How to fix it!”, We’ve in like manner see customers carrying out custom enhancements that cause sentence structure botches.

Any of these can make the application misfire with the “something ended up being awful” screw up.

The course of action: In such cases, the speediest strategy to objective is to restore the old application structure from support. If that is anything but another option, we follow the records that were changed the last and supersede them with the unmodified variations from the application store. “Whoops look like something went wrong website – How to fix it!”, We furthermore check if this is an itemized bug by the architect.

Missing PHP expansions

“Whoops look like something went wrong website – How to fix it!” PHP groups go with an irrelevant course of action of expansions.

During the new App game plan our movements, we’ve seen circumstances where the application customer fails to course of action all of the vital expansions like OpenSSL, Tokenizer, etc

This will cause the application code to miss the mark, and Laravel to show “Whoops, appears like something ended up being awful.”.

The course of action: In such cases, we go through the application essential specs and guarantee (1) the increases are presented and (2) the approaches to the developments are fixed in the PHP config used by the application.

Причины появления ошибки «Whoops, looks like something went wrong»

Давайте рассмотрим возможные причины, по которым могла возникнуть данная ошибка. По-сути, она может проявляться из-за множества факторов, тем не менее существует несколько вполне характерных и наиболее частых для нее причин.

  • Composer’ом не был создан файл с расширением env.
  • в основе сайта используется устаревшая версия инструментов «Laravel»;
  • возникла ошибка No supported encrypter found.

Как вы могли понять из изложенных выше причин, ошибка «Whoops, looks like something went wrong» совершенно точно не является виной пользователя, который перешел этот ресурс. Проблема как раз заключается в некорректной настройке сайта — вина лежит на его владельце/веб-разработчике.

What next? – Enable investigating to tunnel further

When stood up to with the “something ended up being terrible” botch, our underlying advance is to enable point by point botch log by setting “APP_DEBUG” as “substantial” in application/config/app.php.

“Whoops look like something went wrong website – How to fix it!”, This gives us the particular legitimization behind the misstep and helps us with settling the issue right away.

In any case, these misstep messages can be very bewildering for someone inquisitive with regards to Laravel progression.

If you followed the means above, and none of it seemed to work, you may need to tunnel further with the exploring. “Whoops look like something went wrong website – How to fix it!”, If you need assistance, click here to request help from our Laravel subject matter experts.

How do you solve Whoops looks like something went wrong?

  1. Rename the .env.example to .env.
  2. Go to bootstrap=>app. php and uncomment $app->withEloquent();
  3. Make sure that APP_DEBUG=true in . env file. Now it will work.

What to do if Netflix keeps saying unexpected error?

If you see an error that says: There was an unexpected error. Please reload the page and try again. It typically points to some information stored on your browser that needs to be refreshed.

Why is my Netflix screen black?

Restart your Android phone or tablet Turn off your Android phone or tablet by holding down the power button. Confirm that you want to turn off your Android. To turn your Android back on, press the power button again. Try Netflix again.

How do you fix black screen mirroring?

Now from your Android device, enter the settings menu and tap on the “Display” option. Look for the option named ‘Cast’ or ‘Mirror’. In some devices, the Wireless Display may be present under the ‘More’ or ‘Additional Settings’ option of Settings.

We translate and identify the error in the browser

Translated, this phrase sounds like “Oops, apparently something went wrong. “Typically, its appearance means that the resource is working based on “Laravel” is not configured by its webmaster properly. As a result, both the webmaster and the regular user can meet the mentioned error “Whoops, looks like something went wrong “.

This error is quite general in nature; hiding many specific reasons, for example:

  • composer did not create an env file,
  • developer uses outdated software tools “Laravel”,
  • error “No supported encrypter found” and other relevant causes.

Regarding a regular user who has switched to any resource and faced with the above error, then the fault there is no user in it, and the problem is usually on the side resource administration.

We solve the above problem

Причины, приводящие к ошибке «Whoops, looks like something went wrong»

Ошибка «Whoops, looks like something went wrong» («Упс, похоже, что-то пошло не так») является сообщением об ошибке, которое часто появляется на веб-сайтах или при работе с программным обеспечением. Это сообщение указывает на то, что произошла непредвиденная проблема или ошибка в процессе выполнения действия пользователем.

Есть несколько причин, по которым может появиться эта ошибка:

  • Серверная ошибка: Одной из основных причин может быть проблема с сервером. Это может быть вызвано временным отключением сервера, неправильной настройкой сервера, перегрузкой сервера или проблемами с программным обеспечением сервера.
  • Недопустимые данные: В некоторых случаях, ошибка «Whoops, looks like something went wrong» может возникать из-за некорректных или недопустимых данных, введенных пользователем. Например, если пользователь отправляет форму со значениями, не соответствующими требованиям или ограничениям, это может вызвать ошибку.
  • Проблемы с базой данных: Если веб-сайт или приложение использует базу данных, проблемы с базой данных могут также быть причиной ошибки «Whoops, looks like something went wrong». Это может включать проблемы с подключением к базе данных, ошибки в запросах к базе данных или конфликты данных.
  • Ошибка программного обеспечения: Иногда причиной ошибки может быть неполадка в самом программном обеспечении. Это может быть связано с багами, ошибками кодирования или несовместимостью с другими компонентами.
  • Недоступность ресурсов: Если приложение или веб-сайт зависит от внешних ресурсов, таких как API или серверы сторонних сервисов, недоступность или проблемы с доступом к этим ресурсам могут вызвать ошибку.

В каждом конкретном случае причина ошибки «Whoops, looks like something went wrong» может быть уникальной. Для устранения ошибки необходимо обратиться к разработчику или администратору системы, который сможет идентифицировать конкретную причину и принять соответствующие меры для ее исправления.

Whoops, looks like something went wrong – что это и как исправить

При посещении сайта вместо содержания ресурса пользователь может наткнуться на сообщение «Whoops, looks like something went wrong». Обычно такая ошибка появляется из-за некорректной настройки веб-ресурса, функционирующего на базе бесплатного фреймворка с открытым кодом Laravel. Т.е. причиной являются действия не пользователя, перешедшего на сайт, а владельца или разработчика.

Дословный перевод фразы «Whoops, looks like something went wrong» – «Упс, похоже что-то пошло не так».

Ошибка может появляться по различным причинам, но есть несколько наиболее распространенных:

– composer не создал файл с расширением env;

– использование устаревшей версии инструментов «Laravel»;

– ошибка “No supported encrypted found”.

Ошибка «Whoops, looks like something went wrong»

Как исправить ошибку «Whoops, looks like something went wrong»

Устранить проблему «Whoops, looks like something went wrong» веб-мастер или владелец сайта может выполнив следующие действия.

– Отредактировать env-файл. Внутри файла с расширением .env записана строчка APP_DEBUG=false. Замените в ней false на true, сохраните редакцию и обновите страницу, на которой была ошибка.

– Если Вы используете «Printer Installer server» – отредактируйте файл php.ini. Он находится по адресу C: \Program Files (x86)\PHP\(версия PHP)\php.ini. Откройте файл, найдите в нем строчку display_errors и перепишите на display_errors = On. Обновите страницу. После этих действий появится дополнительная информация об ошибке. С этими данными можно обратиться в техподдержку ресурса.

– Удостоверьтесь, что у Вас присутствует два типа env-файла. В директории с настройками должен лежать файл .env и .env example. Во втором находится ключ от сайта. Если оба файла на месте, задайте команду cp .env.example .env php artisan key:generate. После ее выполнения сбой должен быть исправлен.

– Проверьте используемую версию Composer. Устаревший вариант композера также может быть причиной ошибки «Whoops, looks like something went wrong». Для обновления достаточно ввести команду composer self-update.

– При отсутствии корректного ключа в файле app.php создайте его. Зайдите в app/config/app.php, перейдите к линии 81 и проверьте есть ли там ключ, состоящий из 32 символов. Сформируйте его при необходимости.

Как устранить неполадку пользователю

Как исправить ошибку «Whoops, looks like something went wrong» со стороны пользователя?

В некоторых случаях помогает следующее.

– Почистить куки и кэш браузера. Для этого перейдите в настройки Вашего веб-обозревателя и найдите опцию очистки. Например, в гугл хром она находится по адресу chrome://settings/clearBrowserData или Настройка и управление Google Chrome – дополнительные инструменты – удаление данных о просмотренных страницах, также можно зажать одновременно комбинацию клавиш Ctrl + Shift + Del.

– Воспользоваться другим браузером. Бывает страница может отображаться без ошибки в другом веб-обозревателе.

– Сообщить в техподдержку сайта.

Надпись «Whoops, looks like something went wrong» переводится как «Упс, похоже что-то пошло не так». Чаще всего ошибка с таким названием возникает из-за некорректной настройки .env-файла или применения старой версии composer. В статье мы рассказали как исправить этот сбой.



This article detailed six potential causes for the “Whoops, looks like something went wrong” message in Laravel 5.0. Additionally, we provided corresponding solutions to help you address these issues. Here’s a succinct recap that may serve as a handy checklist:

  • Always ensure all required PHP extensions are properly installed and their paths are correctly set in your PHP configuration.
  • To solve the “Whoops, looks like something went wrong in Laravel 5.0, confirm that correct permissions are set for key directories like “storage” and “bootstrap/cache”.
  • A documented solution for the “Whoops” error in Laravel is to check if you have your application key, else generate a new one using the command “php artisan key:generate”.
  • Keep your Composer up-to-date; older versions may not support some app updates, leading to potential errors.
  • You can also fix the “Whoops” error by clearing the cache using the command “php artisan config:clear” or “php artisan config:cache”.

Now, you should be well-equipped to tackle the “Whoops, looks like something went wrong” message in Laravel 5.0. Remember, effective error resolution begins with a proper understanding of the problem, and don’t hesitate to share this article with your peers.

Переводим и идентифицируем ошибку в браузере

В переводе данная фраза звучит как «Упс, судя по всему что-то пошло не так» . Обычно её появление означает, что ресурс, работающий на основе «Laravel» не настроен его веб-мастером должным образом. Вследствие этого как веб-мастер, так и обычный пользователь могут встретиться с упомянутой ошибкой «Whoops, looks like something went wrong».

Данная ошибка имеет довольно общий характер, за ней могут скрываться множество конкретных причин, к примеру:

  • композер не создал env-файл,
  • разработчик использует устаревший программный инструментарий «Laravel»,
  • ошибка «No supported encrypter found» и другие релевантные причины.

Что относится обычного пользователя, перешедшего на какой-либо ресурс и столкнувшимся с вышеозначенной ошибкой, то вины пользователя в ней нет, и проблема обычно находится на стороне администрации ресурса.

How To Fix “Whoops, Something Went Wrong” in Laravel 5.0?

Fixing the “Whoops” error involves confirming the presence of the “.env” file and generating valid application keys. Also, you can set the correct permissions, install missing PHP extensions, refresh the Laravel config cache, and update Composer. Finally, you can debug the error using APP_DEBUG in the “.env” file.

– Validate the Presence of Your “.Env” Environment File

Next up, we need to ensure the “.env” file is properly set up. This file is the nerve center of your Laravel application, housing critical configuration variables Firstly, ensure the “.env” file exists and if it doesn’t, you can create one by copying the “.env.example” file that Laravel provides out of the box and renaming this copied file to “.env” (no quotes). Secondly, verify all the required variables are correctly set within the file.

– Generate Your Application Key Using “PHP Artisan” Command

As we’ve highlighted earlier, a missing application key can lead to the ‘Whoops” error in Laravel 5.0. You can resolve this by generating a new application key using the “php artisan key:generate” command. This command will automatically update the “APP_KEY” entry in your “.env” environment file with the newly generated key. Ensure that there are no extra spaces or characters, as Laravel uses this key for sessions and encryption.

– Set the Correct File and Folder Permissions for Laravel

Ensure correct file and folder permissions for Laravel by setting “write” permission for the PHP user on key directories like “storage” and “bootstrap/cache. If PHP is configured as the site user (e.g., SuPHP), permissions should be set to 755. In other setups (e.g., mod_php), permissions might need to be set as 777, although this can present a security risk and should be avoided if possible. The “chmod” command is used to change permissions, and the command “chmod 755 storage” sets the “storage” directory’s permissions to 755.

– Ensure Necessary PHP Extensions are Installed and Configured

It is pivotal that all required extensions like OpenSSL and Tokenizer are installed and correctly configured. First, inspect your project’s requirements and identify the PHP extensions it needs to run smoothly. Often, you’ll find these requirements documented in the “composer.json” file. Next, check if a required extension is installed, you can use the “php -m” command in the terminal, which lists all the installed PHP modules. If a necessary extension is missing, install it.

– Use “php artisan” To Refresh Laravel’s Configuration Cache

To tackle the potential issue of a stale Laravel configuration cache, your next step should be to refresh this cache. Laravel uses a cache to enhance performance, but when you’ve modified a configuration file post-caching, Laravel might not be aware of these changes. Refreshing Laravel’s configuration cache can be accomplished by running the command “php artisan config:clear” followed by “php artisan config:cache”.

– Use Your Terminal to Update Composer to the Latest Version

Addressing the outdated Composer issue, you should update your Composer to the latest version. Composer plays a pivotal role in managing your PHP project dependencies. You can update it by running the “composer self-update” command in the root directory of the project and ensure that you have a stable internet connection. Post-update, Composer will be able to ensure your project dependencies are at their correct versions.

– Debug the Error by Activating APP_DEBUG in the “.env” File

The APP_DEBUG variable is located in your “.env” file, Laravel’s repository for vital configuration variables. By changing this variable’s value to true, you instruct Laravel to be more verbose in its error reporting. Instead of the generic “Whoops, something went wrong” message, Laravel will now offer comprehensive error messages, complete with stack traces. This information, though occasionally overwhelming, provides valuable clues to the underlying issues disrupting your application.

However, while the APP_DEBUG option proves highly useful for debugging, it’s essential to remember its appropriate usage context. Revealing extensive error details in a production environment can expose sensitive information, laying your application open to potential security threats. Hence, it’s recommended to limit the use of “APP_DEBUG=true” to your local development environment or other secure testing environments.

Causes of the error “Whoops, looks like something went wrong”

Let’s take a look at the possible reasons why this error could occur. In fact, it can manifest itself due to many factors, however, there are several quite characteristic and most common reasons for it.

  • Composer did not create an env file.
  • the site is based on an outdated version of the “Laravel” tools;
  • error No supported encrypter found.

As you can understand from the above reasons, the error “Whoops, looks like something went wrong” is definitely not the fault of the user who went to this resource. The problem lies in the incorrect configuration of the site – the fault lies with its owner / web developer.

People Also Ask

Question # 1: Why does whoops look like something went wrong?

Answer: Whoops, Something Went Wrong. Typically points to an issue with a stored cookie/token in your Chrome Browser. If your IT manages your Chrome and/or devices they may have to clear the History/Cache for you.

Question # 2: How to fix whoops looks like something went wrong?

Answer: Solution

  1. On the Printer Installer server, open the C:\inetpub\wwwroot\. env file (in notepad or another editor). Change APP_DEBUG=false to APP_DEBUG=true.
  2. On the Printer Installer server, open the C:\Program Files (x86)\PHP\\php. ini file. Find display_errors and change it to say display_errors = On.
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