Перевод «go-getter» на русский

Go-getters: 5 expert steps to become one

Как стать Go-getter?

Стать Go-getterом — это значит быть инициативным и активным человеком, который не боится брать на себя ответственность и достигать поставленных целей. Чтобы стать таким, вам может пригодиться следующая информация:

  1. Установите цели: Определитесь с тем, чего вы хотите достичь. Разбейте свои цели на подцели, чтобы действовать поэтапно.
  2. Развивайте лидерские качества: Изучайте литературу об управлении, коммуникации и лидерстве, чтобы научиться эффективно взаимодействовать с другими людьми.
  3. Будьте проактивным: Не ждите, пока кто-то другой что-то сделает. Вместо этого, предлагайте свои идеи и начинайте действовать самостоятельно.
  4. Развивайте навыки самомотивации: Умейте находить в себе силы и мотивацию продолжать работать, даже когда все идет не так хорошо, как вы ожидали.
  5. Будьте гибкими: Умейте адаптироваться к изменениям и быстро реагировать на новые ситуации.
  6. Стремитесь к самосовершенствованию: Постоянно развивайте свои навыки и знания, чтобы быть на шаг впереди других.

Не забывайте, что стать Go-getterом займет время и усилия. Но с определенным трудом и настойчивостью, вы сможете достичь своих целей и стать успешным во всех своих начинаниях.

Is being a Go Getter attractive?

Being a go getter is attractive, but it’s not the only thing or even the main thing that matters. If you don’t put yourself out there then that is the main reason why you’re not getting girls. The guys who are out of work, irresponsible, no money I bet are very social, go out a lot and flirt a lot which increases their chances of getting girls.

What is the opposite of “Go Getter”?

A go-getter is, generally, a person who gets things done. That’s terrific. And many go-getters are also go-givers. The opposite of a go-giver is not a go-getter; the opposite of a go-giver is a go-taker-someone who feels entitled to take, take, take without ever adding value to the relationship or the process in any way.

What is another word for Go Getter?

› someone who is very energetic, determined to be successful, and able to deal with new or difficult situations easily: We only recruit go-getters who will be actively involved in the company’s development. Thesaurus: synonyms and related words. Stubborn and determined people. careerist. diehard. fighter. holdout.

What is another word for Go-Getter?

go-getter (plural go-getters) (idiomatic) An active and enterprising person; one who is motivated or inclined to excel; one who strives to achieve success or improvement.

Decide what it is you truly want and why

There’s no one-size-fits-all to being a Go-Getter, but the first step to motivating yourself is to decide what it is you truly want and why. I call this finding your True North.

To get clarity, ask yourself, what does the end result look like? Is it a financial goal? A brick and mortar building? Or simply the experience of having done the thing? Meditate on it, then go after it.

If something calls to you, think about what reaching that dream feels like, but careful you don’t allow yourself to fall into analysis paralysis. Overthinking the small beats can leave you feeling overwhelmed and bogged down.

Sometimes, taking the leap before the net appears, while scary, is exactly what you do to begin.

Go Getters in Entrepreneur Setup

Being a go-getter is a must in entrepreneurship, and of course, social media plays a role in the advancement of businesses in the United States and other countries. 

A thriving business requires persistence, proper time management, and the ability to set clear goals in the right direction. 

Also, a go-getter is willing to take the first step towards their aspirations and will go the extra mile. 

They also step out of their comfort zone bravely and take calculated risks to achieve their goals. 

Furthermore, expressing gratitude for small successes is vital in maintaining the motivation to keep going.

Social media is now a primary platform for entrepreneurs to showcase their products and services. So, every go-getter must know the ins and outs of it. 

For example, Facebook is a super engaging social media platform, and a go-getter must know how to leverage it for their business. 

Setting specific goals, creating a content strategy, and effective time management is crucial. 

With the action, a go-getter will grow their online presence, reach new customers, and increase revenue.

Another example is a conference speaker, a go-getter who has accomplished significant success through their persistence, goal-setting abilities, and willingness to take risks. 

A go-getter conference speaker inspires many because they have achieved success by taking consistent action toward their goals.

Go getter — это человек, обладающий активностью и инициативой

Go getter — это английский термин, который можно перевести как «добивающийся своего». Это человек, который не останавливается перед трудностями и стремится к достижению своих целей.

Go getter обладает высокой степенью активности и энергии. Он не только мечтает и планирует, но и принимает конкретные действия для реализации своих планов. У него есть четкие цели и он идет к ним шаг за шагом.

Такой человек отличается инициативностью и самодисциплиной. Он не ждет, что кто-то другой сделает за него работу, а берет инициативу в свои руки. Он готов брать на себя ответственность и риски, чтобы достичь желаемого результата.

Go getter стремится к постоянному развитию и самосовершенствованию. Он активно ищет новые возможности и не боится испытать себя в новых сферах. Такой человек умеет оценивать свои сильные стороны и преодолевать свои слабости, чтобы стать лучше и достичь новых вершин.

Одной из основных черт go getter является настойчивость. Он не сдается после первых неудач и не прекращает свои усилия, пока не достигнет поставленную цель. Такой человек готов работать упорно и не покладая рук, несмотря на трудности и препятствия, которые могут встречаться на его пути.

Итак, go getter — это человек, который активен, инициативен, настойчив и стремится к достижению своих целей. Он готов брать на себя ответственность и риск, чтобы реализовать свои мечты. Благодаря своим качествам go getter может достигать впечатляющих результатов и превзойти самого себя.

Get out of your comfort zone and take consistent and persistent action

If you want to become a go-getter, you have to commit to your goals relentlessly. This often means that you have to be willing to burn your boats – to wholeheartedly pursue your vision with no possibility of turning back.

The idea of burning one’s boats is associated with ancient military commanders who would instruct their soldiers to burn the ships before a conquest so as to create a point of no return.

You can apply the same concept when it comes to becoming a go-getter and reaching your goals. You have to leave your doubts behind and keep working towards the end result that you envision for yourself, even if it feels impossible.

Too often, people focus on creating a plan B, C, and D, instead of giving their all to their plan A. This prevents them from gaining traction because they lose focus and spend their energy on various contingency plans instead of the main plan.

Whenever you feel tempted to pursue distractions, remember the words of Alexander Graham Bell – “The sun’s rays do not burn until brought to focus.”

Ultimately, the opposite of a go-getter is a daydreamer, someone who wants everything but does nothing about it.

To set yourself apart as a go-getter, you have to get out of your comfort zone and take consistent and persistent action. Burning your boats to reach big goals can be scary. But if you want to achieve what no one else has, you must be willing to do what no one else does.

Max Woolf

Career Expert, ResumeLab

Follow your interests regardless of where they lead

Being a go-getter can be applied to so many different contexts. I’m probably only capable of talking on one, which is what I’d call “entrepreneurial hustle.”

I’ve had a full-time job since 2004. Looking back now, a single job has never satisfied me for some reason. I’ve always had a drive, an instinct, and some kind of internal push that’s coaxed me into wanting more.

I consider myself a go-getter because I follow my interests regardless of where they lead. I’ll try anything once, and if it doesn’t work out, I’ll just try something else.

Go-getters are risk-takers

They have the courage to jump into the unknown and figure things out, no matter how crazy they may seem. I’m able to satisfy my desire to achieve new things by pursuing activities that I’m interested in.

If I try to force myself to do something I’m not interested in, I always fail miserably.

Go-getters are also voracious learners

I think go-getters are also voracious learners. I know that when I’m interested in something, I want to learn everything there is to know about that subject.

Take stock trading, for example. A few months ago, I was extremely interested in day trading. I spent dozens of hours watching videos, reading books, and learning so much on day trading. I love it!

It ultimately didn’t work out because I found I just didn’t have the mental stamina to put up with the ups and downs.

Go-getters aren’t just satisfied with being a layman

They strive to learn more and more about their business, project, or task at hand. They are never satisfied with the current knowledge level and are always learning new things.

I recently founded a startup that provided small, how-to videos for IT professionals and developers. I was really excited about this business. I quit my job on the same day my wife was having our second daughter and was going all in.

For the next year, I focused 100% on the business, building it from nothing.

Ultimately, I discovered I’m good at operations and building infrastructure, but I’m not good at all at actually making money. I hate selling, which ultimately led to me selling the business for close to nothing.

Go-getters are tenacious

If they believe in something, they doggedly pursue success at seemingly any cost. They are determined they will succeed and put 110% into their efforts.

Time Management and Goal Achievement Mentor | Criminal Law Professor

Make an effort to be ready to ask for what you want

Being a go-getter means being proactive to get what you want, but it also necessitates a mindset shift.

Too often, passive or quiet people worry about being pushy or coming across as rude or presumptuous. While obviously, rudeness is not a desirable personality trait, you should also realize that other people in your life (bosses, teachers, mentors, relationship partners) are not mind-readers.

If you want something, if you are looking to explore a job opportunity, educational mentorship, different relationship dynamics; you need to ask for it.

This doesn’t mean being unreasonable, don’t walk into your boss’s office and demand to be made CEO on day one of your temp job. However, it does mean picking a good time to politely ask what your opportunities for advancement are within the company, and how you can better work to achieve your professional goals.

It doesn’t mean demanding a better grade in an educational setting, but it might mean proactively asking to meet with a professor to discuss how to improve your next essay since this last one wasn’t up to par. It might mean reaching out to a company to see if they are offering internships if none are posted.

In all these cases, be prepared that you may hear “no” as an answer, but even that rejection can bring some silver lining.

If you come across as a likable, engaged, and motivated person, then when that position you want does finally open up, or that professor decides they do need a student research assistant over the summer, you might be the one they remember.

This sort of proactive asking can be difficult to condition yourself towards, particularly if it goes against your natural personality or how you’ve been socialized in other contexts.

It can help to practice in low-stakes situations. Talk through how you might want your conversation with your boss to go before you actually speak to your boss. Practice being more assertive in job or internship interviews where you are less interested in the position before you get to that dream job interview.

Make an effort to be ready to ask for what you want so that when what you really want does become available, you are ready to get it.

Peter Amato

Career Advice Expert, LiveCareer

Stay focused on tasks at hand

A third skill needed to be a go-getter is the ability to focus on tasks at hand. It is so important to work on one thing until completion before starting something else.

It does not matter how big or small.

Focus on completing one thing before moving on to the next.

April Maccario

Founder, AskApril

As a founder, I must say it wasn’t an easy journey. Being a go-getter prevented me from giving up. If I gave up easily while I was starting, I wouldn’t be as successful as I am today.

I wasn’t able to learn the things I needed to improve my decision-making and be a better professional. However, here are the things I did to be a go-getter:

Learn to accept failures in a positive way

I have learned to accept failures in a positive way. I made them my motivation and my stepping stone to do better. Without failures, you wouldn’t discover life lessons, and you will not have something to compare in your journey to success.

Focus on working on the things you want to achieve

I think this is the major skill of a goal-getter. You should focus on working on the things you want to achieve and avoid being distracted by the obstacles you might face along the way.

If you have 100% focus on what you are doing, there is a higher chance that you’ll succeed and reach the goal you want to achieve.

Multimedia Storyteller | Copywriter

Definition Of Go Getter

A go getter is an individual who is highly motivated, proactive, and driven to achieve their goals. This term is often used to describe someone who is ambitious, assertive, and willing to take initiative to make things happen. A go getter possesses a strong work ethic and is not afraid to go above and beyond to accomplish their objectives.

Historical Evolution

The term “go getter” originated in the early 20th century and gained popularity during the rise of the American industrial era. It was first used to describe individuals who demonstrated exceptional drive and determination in pursuing success, particularly in business and entrepreneurial endeavors. The concept of a go getter was closely associated with the American Dream and the belief that hard work and initiative could lead to prosperity.

Over time, the term has evolved to encompass a broader range of contexts beyond just business. It has become a versatile phrase used to describe individuals who exhibit a proactive and ambitious mindset in various areas of life, including personal growth, career development, and community involvement.

Different Meanings In Different Contexts

The term “go getter” can have slightly different connotations depending on the context in which it is used. While the core essence of a go getter remains the same, here are a few examples of how its meaning can vary:

  1. Business and Career: In the context of the corporate world, a go getter is often associated with someone who consistently exceeds expectations, takes calculated risks, and actively seeks out opportunities for professional growth. They are known for their proactive approach, resourcefulness, and ability to deliver results.
  2. Entrepreneurship: Within the realm of entrepreneurship, a go getter embodies the qualities of a self-starter who is willing to take on challenges, innovate, and relentlessly pursue their business goals. They are driven by a strong desire to succeed and are not deterred by setbacks or obstacles.
  3. Personal Development: In the realm of personal development, a go getter is someone who actively seeks self-improvement, sets ambitious goals, and takes consistent action to achieve them. They possess a growth mindset and are committed to continuous learning and self-motivation.
  4. Community Involvement: In the context of community involvement, a go getter is an individual who takes the initiative to make a positive impact in their community. They actively engage in volunteering, leadership roles, and initiatives that contribute to the betterment of society.

Overall, the term “go getter” signifies an individual who embodies ambition, determination, and a proactive mindset across various domains of life. It is a term that celebrates those who are not content with mediocrity and strive to make a difference through their actions and achievements.

Appearance and presentation

They are conscious of their image and aware of the power of first impressions — to be a winner, you have to look like one. They dress according to what passes as «successful» in their particular company, whether that is a suit and tie or the latest in conventional high-street fashion. Their desk will contain trophies/certificates/souvenirs of past successful campaigns or projects. When making decisions, they are quick and sure of themselves, as they trust their judgement over anyone else’s. When buying, they always keep their competitors in mind and look to procure a product or service that will give them a competitive edge. Because they are «solution-oriented», they can sometimes fall prey to the «quick-fix». They work on staying «positive», and enjoy the challenge of juggling several projects at once.

Spend less time thinking about achieving your goals and more time doing what’s needed to get there

People often make the mistake of wanting to achieve something so much that they forget about the necessary steps they need to take to get there. They think about the final outcome rather than the process.

Solely focusing on results creates pressure and might make us feel overwhelmed rather than excited about our plans.

Go-Getters spend less time thinking about achieving their goals and more time doing what’s needed to get there. They don’t get discouraged when something isn’t working and look for ways to fix the problem.

My tip is to start with little steps.

  • Think of the actionable items you can do to get closer to your objective.
  • Create a list of things you want to achieve each week.
  • Split it into specific tasks that need to be completed every day.
  • Observe how much time you need to perform certain chunks of work and adjust your schedule accordingly.

With time, you will notice that your little steps add up and continuously help you to get where you want.

Also, be open to suggestions from others. Don’t just focus on your tasks and forget about the world around you. Ask people about their opinions and get inspiration for improving your work or adjusting your approach.

By doing so, you’ll not only get the necessary feedback but also learn more along the way.

Actor | Voice Artist | Filmmaker

Go getter — качества и навыки, которые делают успешного человека

Go getter, или человек берущий инициативу, является тем, кто стремится к успеху и готов преодолевать преграды. Он обладает определенными качествами и навыками, которые помогают ему достигать своих целей.

  • Амбициозность — go getter устанавливает высокие цели и работает усердно, чтобы их достичь. Он никогда не останавливается на достигнутом и всегда ищет новые возможности.
  • Самодисциплина — успешный человек осознает необходимость регулярной работы и дисциплинированных действий. Он может самостоятельно устанавливать приоритеты и придерживаться плана, даже если это трудно.
  • Уверенность — go getter верит в свои способности и уверен в себе. Он готов принимать риски и делать необходимые шаги для достижения своих целей.
  • Инициативность — успешный человек не ждет, когда кто-то ему скажет, что делать. Он самостоятельно принимает решения и действует, не теряя времени.

Кроме качеств, go getter обладает определенными навыками, которые помогают ему быть успешным в своей деятельности:

Коммуникативные навыки — успешный человек хорошо общается с другими, умеет слушать и выражать свои мысли и идеи.
Лидерские навыки — go getter способен вести и мотивировать других, имеет хорошие руководящие способности.
Умение устанавливать приоритеты — успешный человек знает, что является самым важным и приоритетным в его работе, и сосредотачивает на это свое внимание и усилия.
Навыки урегулирования конфликтов — go getter умеет находить компромиссы и решать конфликтные ситуации в своей работе или в команде.

Итак, go getter — это человек, который обладает амбициями, самодисциплиной, уверенностью и инициативностью. Он также обладает коммуникативными и лидерскими навыками, умеет устанавливать приоритеты и разрешать конфликты. Эти качества и навыки позволяют ему быть успешным в любой области и достигать поставленных целей.

Schedule time to plan and revise all you need to do to achieve your goals

Most people fail to achieve their goals because they don’t have a plan or have it but never revise it.

For you to be a Go-Getter, you need to schedule weekly time to plan and revise all you have been doing and all you need to do to achieve your goals.

Having a specific time to plan will save you a lot of hours of hanging around not knowing what to do next and will also allow you to be more creative when it comes to finding out solutions.

Michelle Devani

Founder, lovedevani

By definition, a go-getter is someone who doesn’t hesitate to go after what they want. A go-getter is ambitious and is not afraid to pursue their dreams. In my experience, adapting a go-getter attitude while I was founding my website has helped me achieve my goals.

What is a good word for go getter?

In this page you can discover 14 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for go-getter, like: dynamo, chip-off-the-old-block, eager beaver, people-person, , happy-go-lucky, whizz-kid, whiz-kid, concern, ball-of-fire and goal-poacher.

How can you tell if someone is a go getter?

The definition of a go getter is a person who is ambitious and who isn’t afraid to ask for and pursue what he wants. An example of a go getter is a person who has no hesitation about asking her boss for the raise she feels she deserves.

Are you a go getter or a?

What’s another name for go getter?

Find another word for go-getter. In this page you can discover 14 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for go-getter, like: dynamo, chip-off-the-old-block, eager beaver, people-person, , happy-go-lucky, whizz-kid, whiz-kid, concern, ball-of-fire and goal-poacher.


Go-getter types have a single-minded focus on their objectives and will do whatever it takes to achieve them. Fast-moving and fast-talking, they want to get things done quickly, determined in their drive towards success. They thrive on a challenge and can juggle several projects at once.

They are organised and efficient, and whether a ‘company person’ or self-employed, they work and play hard. They have a practical approach to life. They approach others in a straightforward manner, valuing competence, efficiency and effectiveness.

Strengths: Go-getters get results, take the initiative, have great enthusiasm, are persistent, driven and see things through.

Possible weaknesses: At times, go-getters may become impatient with the slowness or faults of others, they may run over others who are slower to act and speak. They can also become bored quickly by routine and process.

Go Getters Set SMART Goals

Go-getters are goal-oriented and determined to succeed. They know what they’re good at and excel at improving their strengths. 

Moreover, they are willing to take risks and jump into the unknown to figure things out. 

SMART goals help go-getters focus their efforts and maximize their success. Here are the SMART goals:

  • Be specific when defining your vision.
  • Make your goals measurable.
  • Ensure they are achievable by you.
  • Make it relevant and align them with your vision.
  • Set a timeframe for each action.

Refer to the below examples on developing your personal SMART goals.

Goal Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time-bound
Increase sales Increase sales by 20% Within the next six months By developing and executing a targeted marketing campaign To reach new customers and encourage repeat business Within the next six months
Complete professional certification Complete a professional certification Within the next 12 months By enrolling in a certification program and dedicating time and effort to study and prepare To enhance skills and advance career Within the next 12 months
Improve time management skills Improve time management skills At least a 10% increase in productivity By prioritizing tasks and reducing distractions To increase productivity and efficiency Within the next three months
Develop personal fitness routine Develop a personal fitness routine and lose 10 pounds Within the next three months By exercising five days a week and following a healthy diet plan To improve physical health and well-being Within the next three months
Increase social media engagement Increase social media engagement by 25% Within the next six months By posting high-quality content consistently and engaging with followers regularly To increase brand awareness and customer engagement Within the next six months

Examples of SMART goals

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